Galician Medical College(Ukraine)
The private higher educational institution “Galitsky Medical College” is an educational institution of the modern formation that promotes the spiritual formation of the student’s personality, creates conditions for its realization in various types of cognitive and creative activity, satisfies needs and interests, and aims to identify the main path through the system of education, renewal and enrichment of the intellectual, moral, cultural gene pool of the nation, the preparation of a conscious national intelligentsia, the upbringing of a Ukrainian spiritual elite that meets needs and the urgent task of revival of national culture, the development of the Ukrainian state
general information
In connection with the significant changes in the concepts of the development of education and science in Ukraine, the Concept for the development of the “Galician Medical College” for 2007-2011 has been developed, in which the place and role of the college in the educational reform are clearly defined.
The college has the following structure:
Department of specialty “Medicine”
department of the specialty “Nursing ”
The leading idea of the “Galician Medical College” is the professionally directed aspect of the content and technologies of education and education, the desire to strengthen the organic communication of education with the origins of national and world practice, humanistic and Christian traditions of mankind.
Initial positions of activity – focus on professionalism and integration into the education of the international level.
The activities of the college are based on the principles of: democracy, humanity, unity of the national and universal, developing character of education and training, cooperation, transparency and dynamism of education, orientation towards person-oriented education and training, optimization of educational process, equality of conditions of each student for its realization abilities, inclination, talent, organic connection with traditions, a combination of administrative management and public self-government.
Collaboration with other educational institutions is being developed on the development of curricula and programs for special courses, organization of educational process, improvement of training and continuing training of specialists in accordance with the requirements of time, replenishment of the educational and material base, participation in the organization and conducting of graduation and entrance exams.